Tuesday, June 3, 2008

showing our age

Friday Mike and I started the dreaded pre painting, pre moving sorting, you know go through all your belongings get rid of half of it and repacking the rest(so you can get rid of that the next time) when I stumbled upon my childhood pride and joy my record collection. Yup you heard me a super sized stack of super sized vinyl. Wow what memories that brought back, me and Brooke, Saige, friends and cousins dancing and singing along with Annie, Ernie's Hits, and our all time favorite(tongue in cheek) I'm a Mormon! including the smash hit I want to be a Mother(yeah probably was my favorite). Mike being the great husband that he is even volunteered to go out to the shed and dig out my old record player for me. So there I am so excited to share the music from my childhood with my cute little group when Carsten spies my treasures "WOW mom look at the size of those disks did you have to carry your cd player on your back like a backpack, what kind of batteries did it take?" Well I told him to just be quiet and he was in for a great treat, So I played Ernie's hits for them turns out they have never seen Sesame Street so Ernie who, and some pretty good scratches, so it really did sound as if Ernie's rubber duckie had been exposed to a little to many bubbles, so we moved on to I Have a Song for You all about animals, volume 3. The only problem is that by then Kallison was dancing to Hannah Montana on her mp3, Braxton and Carsten had gone back to the wii and Ardynn just stood there looking at me like I had just told her she was going to have to start wearing Sam Jams(complete with hammer loop) and putting her hair in a side pony. At least Dawson thought it was cool he just stood there and shook his little osh kosh clad back side bopping out to Kitten in the Sun and Mister Stand-On-One-Leg, his mommy is so hip. By then even Mike had given into his unwarranted need to laugh at my lost childhood and safely retreated back to the shed and his own "lost boxes of childhood treasure." Well the records and there player are safely packed for the move, the kids are all back to the 21 century, Mike is still out in the shed laughing at me, and as for me when did I get old?


Natilie said...

Ohhh.... I would rock out with you. I love records. They were so cool. Did you have the Mickey Mouse record player? Growing up stinks - it stinks bad. Again - tell us about the move. Is it Montana????

Mag Family said...

I would have rocked out with you too. I had a Foreigner record, it was my all time favorite. And you are not old. If you are old then that means I am too, and I refuse to be.

Amy B. said...

I love it! I am having memories flash back as I am reading. I love those records. I have had the same conversations w/ my kids about the record player. love Amy

The Brooks Family said...

yeah, more info on this moving thing. Where and when?

brinkworth bunch said...

looks like Montana, as soon as we can sell our house.

tanya.... said...

I am so excited to see the pictures and all the stories!! YOUR KIDS ARE SO DANG CUTE!!