Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Going Green

Okay I have officially jumped on the "green bandwagon"(really it was more like a stumble and fall, kicking and screaming). I have now changed all light bulbs to energy friendly, recycle and compost, reuse the kids bath water, have limited showers to 3 minutes(because people if Africa only use 2 gallons on average daily, so we can't be water hogs), and know exactly how much water my family including pets use each week(1100 gallons), and we are trying to cut down a little more. My toothpaste is natural, we eat organic oreos, and ritz crackers, and thanks to Chet free range beef, and have even made my own weed killer with vinegar and dish soap(really works) but I just cannot and I mean cannot give up my shampoo and conditioner, I mean really how hard can it be to come up with a good organic that actually suds up like you want, or a conditioner that actually moves through your hair, don't get me wrong it smells really nice and has a great tingle, but I just need the suds.

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