Thursday, June 12, 2008

one of the few

Okay living away from Utah has brought us some great friends with some different beliefs(I have actually explained garments so well that many of my friends want them). So we were all so excited with this new game we found on it even has a cheesy name "belief-o-matic"I and a few of my non member friends found out that they are really Mormon. So go try it.


The Brooks Family said...

Whew! I'm a mormon. Funny I was more Quaker than Catholic. lol.

Mag Family said...

That hurt my brain. I am 100% Mormon and 88% Jehova's witness. Are they even close in their beliefs? hmmm. I am glad I took that test, I wouldn't have known otherwise. jk.

Amy B. said...

I'm a mormon!!!! 100% I was honestly enrvous. but I passed.