Well for weeks Mike and all of his pyro buddies have been very sad that we have not had any fires yet, well we have plenty now (5 and counting). One helicopter has been in New Mexico on a huge fire, and we are watching a good friend fight those in Nor-Cal, and if you hear about a short-haul rescue in Zions that was Mike and his "bumble bee".
Mike was left at home to baby sit a prescribed burn on the North Rim and three days ago it got up and really went to town, still within its boundaries but moving faster then they wanted so we really haven't seen much of him. After talking with Mike and his fellow "flame bugs" they gave me some advice for you all.
1. don't drive into the smoke that's the way the fire is moving.
2. don't drive over just to look, the news crews will show you it at 10.
3. smile at the fire fighters when you see them(yes they know they are dirty and stink but they are trying to ensure your safety).
4. Smokey really knows what he is talking about.
5. and their favorite: if there is a fire camp set up close to you home baked goodies are always appreciated.(some of these guys are away from their families for months).
Well not many people can say they actually look forward to "fire season." I understand it is a big $ time for you all. Thanks for the
fire safety tips I will keep those in mind. Love Amy
Loved the tips. Firemen do appreciate homemade goodness.
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