Thursday, April 23, 2009

MY DAY (you may not like it.)

A silly, silly person asked me just what I do all day, so here goes today.

5:50 am, look at alarm clock for the third time, decide to just get up. Pick up almost clean pj's off of the floor and put them on.
6:00 am, head to bathroom, do morning stuff, water the chickens and turkeys living in there and think out loud to self "they are moving outside today."
6:05 am, turn hot water to cold and tell Mike good morning. Run really fast!
6:15 am, smile at children as I iron their school uniforms, try not to cringe to much as Ardynn practices piano, clean up Dawson's spilt milk.
6:30 am, remind kids to finish breakfast and pack the rest of their lunches, start thinking about what to do next week for lunches.
6:45 am, answer phone call from sister- in- law who is looking for the mother- in- law, tell sister- in -law to buck up and save the puppy, harbor doubts that she will but know I will never find out.
7:00 am, give Mike his lunch, kiss him goodbye. Worry about my pilot for the next eleven hours.
7:05 am, hurry and throw the toddler into the shower with me, hoping to use the right shampoo on the right head.
7:20 am, dressed, teeth are brushed and hair has been brushed, think about what to do with it, oh well it could be worse, notice eyebrows REALLY need to be waxed.
7:30 am, check bank balance, decide eyebrows will have to wait until next week, wonder if Mike really minds sleeping with a National Geographic centerfold anyway.
7:40 am, tell in-laws thanks for visiting, remind them that they are welcome any time, drive safe, and have fun with some more Brinkworths this weekend.
7:41 am, load kids in the truck, think about how many loads of water we need to get today, oh shit need gas too.
7:55 am, drop off three kids at school, remind Ardynn and Carsten to walk home from the bus stop, holler at Braxton to have fun at guitar lesson today. Wonder whose baseball team Carsten and Ardynn will be on?
8:00 am, throw in 20.00 of diesel, call Debbie as I need a dose of sanity, hm mm, her three year old is lowering the chichiwawa into the window well. Love sanity.
8:10 am, walk into hardware store and order two bags of wood pellets, pull around back to get them, "will I take the three open ones, so that they don't have to get down a new pallet?" Do I love chocolate? score one for me.
8:30 am, get the first of two loads of water needed for the weekend, see three Elk remind self that living out in the middle of nowhere is not all bad.
8:45 am, drop load of water, dump wood pellets into temporary(yeah right) chicken coop. Toss Kalli and Dawson back into truck, get the second load of water, think about breakfast. Finally catch up to speedy little poodle, wish I had a window well.
9:00 am, decide to throw baby birds out later, turn computer on, check emails, wow I don't even have that body part so why would I want to lengthen it? That snuggli thing looks better all the time though, but decide the people in the commercial all look like they belong to some whacked out religious cult.
9:15 am, check on face book, trying to think why I care. Tell Kallison no we are not having ice cream right now, we have food standards not very high but we have them. Check bank balance again still in the black, man I am good.
9:30 am, start this blog, wondering if I will make anyone mad enough to try to save the puppy.
think about what else I have to do today,
10:00 am, do dishes, mop the kitchen floor.
11:30 am, think about feeding Kallison and Dawson before heading into the school for first grade spelling bee(must admit I don't really care), decide bank balance will support a 5.00 lunch for three.
1:30 pm. Head home, pray for enough time for Dawsons nap, fold laundry that has been hiding in the dryer for two days(try to figure out how to pay for new dryer, new tires and new cleats for baseball).
3:30 pm, Go back into town pick up Braxton, finally remember the coke I put in freezer this morning(must clean up that mess later).
4:00 pm, help with homework, make pizza dough, start the shower runs.
5:54 pm, yell "Daddies home" watch kids do the Daddy dance, it is my favorite, breathe with relief my pilot is home safe.
6:00 pm, feed family dinner, be thankful that in this town we all get dinner.
6:45 pm, do dishes be thankful that family does not mind paper plates six days a week.
7:00 pm, remind kiddos to brush teeth and get uniforms for tomorrow.
7:25 pm, say family prayers, laugh at Carsten who always blesses the food at every prayer, wonder if he is hoping for a midnight snack?
7:30 pm, tuck four cute babies into bed, sneak in two cats. Clean up coke mess, hope husband does not see me licking the now empty can.
8:30 pm, carefully tuck last sleeping baby into my bed half wishing he would start sleeping in his own bed, half kinda hoping he never does.
8:45 pm, Tell baby chickens and turkeys that they are really moving out in the morning, wash face put on same almost clean pj's from this morning. Feed chickens and turkeys.
9:00 pm, start to watch Tuesday nights episode of Deadliest Catch, decide to watch it the next day while folding laundry and go to bed instead.
9:30 pm, let two cats out, tell Mike I have no idea who keeps letting them in.
10:00 pm, look at the alarm clock yet again, wonder to self if being a National Geographic centerfold is all that bad, I hope that puppy is still alive.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Today is Buttons Birthday

What a blessing we were given five years ago,
yet another beautiful baby girl.
Kallison Mary Brinkworth
Our sweet little buttons is the most laid back easy going child,
who always manages to keep us smiling and just a little confused.
1; Kalli loves color,(especially pink) and enjoys coming up with very interesting clothing combinations.
2; Buttons is very loyal and brave and would fight to the death for those she loves.
3; our sweet little girl already has the knowledge of what is really important,
and lets all of the "the other stuff" roll right on by.
4; "Insky" was recently informed that she was indeed the first little girl to pull(rip) her own tooth out inside of the Children's Place at the mall.
5; She likes To move it, move it! She loves to dance anyplace, anyway, and anytime.
Congratulations our sweet girl, we love you so much.