Monday, March 2, 2009

Took- Took is Two

Dear Dawson

Two years ago today you were forced into this world struggling to live.
Boy how things have changed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
The baby boy that had little chance and wasn't supposed to hear now seldom slows down and chatters like crazy.
Dots loves to chase after his older brothers and sisters, beg for treats, and play with his kikis, fruff fruffs, his trucks, balls, and baby doll Owen.
Dawson has proven to be a very organized toddler and loves to have everything his way, really everything. Even his fits are cool and collected usually only lasting seconds.
Tookers is also very polite with his please, please mommies and tank you fery musch.
Dawson has never met a stranger and loves to give out hugs and kisses, and strangley loves to rub your cheeks with the palm of his hand.
For our littlest man life is not the destination, but just how much you can make your sisters scream on the ride.
How we love you.


Natilie said...

Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday to you! Hope you have a great day!!!

Amy B. said...

Happy Birthday little boy and welcome again mommy to the terrible 2's!! Love ya, Amy