Monday, November 17, 2008

What a life

Wow I haven't posted for over a week.

But what a week,
Carsten is on cast number four in just four weeks(that sounds so much better than 3 casts in two weeks) he has gone through 2 shades of blue, a lime green and now a black one, 1 was waterproof, 1 a quick fix, the last a traditional "please keep this dry" and now finally a new fangled waterproof one.
The medical assistant kindly refrained from laughing until we had walked away this morning, but did snort a little bit when she called out "see you in two weeks."
Our insurance company so hates us.

It's cold, it's warm, it's cold, it's warm, it snows, it's muddy, it snows, it's muddy.
Alright already its November let it SNOW.
Its 65 degrees here.

Debbi and I went to town(Flagstaff) last Monday, I bought a Turkey,
I hate turkey.
We also saw a mans weenie mobile(Oscar Mayers), he gave us little weenie whistles, on the way home we saw a guy peeing on a fence post,
two weenies in one day and only one whistle.

Mike has been gone, and then home, and then gone and then home, right now he is gone,
Thank Heavens I get my own bed for a whole week.
I love that man.

I just left Safeway and spent two hundred dollars there and I am still out of Tide and sour cream.
I just need a dollop of Daisy.

Mike cut all of Dawson's sweet baby curls off Saturday and I did not cry,
well not very much.

Ardynn and her friend Shaylee spent Saturday playing on the swing set,
Shaylee will now be having surgery on her left elbow, broke that little knobby thing clean off.

I have ran out of storage space for all of our food storage, I am thinking up ways to incorporate it into furniture, any ideas?
After all I do need a new kitchen table.

I learned that Coke has nutmeg in it, therefore as it contains a healthy herb it must be good for you.

And if one more person says "we would like to buy your house, can you carry the loan" I will hurt them.
I guess I could break their arms.

So other than that, not much is going on, how was your week?


Christina Brinkworth said...

So why did you decide to buy a turkey? I wonder what the live traffice feed is and why I come up Wiggins CO. Funny. How much longer for Carsten in the cast? So the house selling isn't going well?

Natilie said...

What is with your house and all of the broken bones? I would like to buy a summer house in Az. and was wondering if you would carry the loan. How bout it?

Mag Family said...

Sounds like you have had a very busy week. Something is wrong with your house and bones. Maybe you are living over an old cemetery. I would also like a summer home in Az. Jeff and I have talked about it, but do you know anyone who would carry the loan.