Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Spooooooky Oooookies

Sorry we are a little late with the boo pictures but we had the whole week off from school and work. Boy did they have fun. As you can see Dawson went as the "Cowboy that wouldn't"
Kallison was my gorgeous "Pink-o-lisious" Flower Fairy

Ardynn was very pretty in purple flower power

Carsten is my favorite as he chose to be a tree again this year, of course it was with a broken limb.(three casts in two weeks).

My number one Army medic complete with his Thompson that his Daddy made. So as you can see Halloween was a complete success.


Mag Family said...

Wow Dusty, your kids are getting really big. They looked great for Halloween.

Amy B. said...

Great job with the costumes "Halloween mommy of the year" Looks like you all had fun.
Love Amy

Christina Brinkworth said...

Looks like you guys had a fun and warm Halloween. Our Halloween was unseasonally warm. We didn't even need jackets. For the place where we plan our costumes around our coats it was a nice change. Your kids look cute! Growing like weeds I see. Just like mine I guess. Hehe.