Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Angel with attitude

Last night I made my yearly appearance at enrichment.

I signed up to bring soup and even picked up neighbor-friend Debbi so that we both had to go.
Turned out it was pretty good, Great meal, super good info on MONEY and some really good visiting.

On the way home though I quickly remembered why I seldom venture out after dark, as we were driving down Highway 64 a car traveling south quickly flashed its lights at us a few times.
Here in the middle of nowhere that does not mean cops, Oh no, that only means one thing Elk in the road. Sure enough 2 more miles and flashing hazard lights later we saw the thankfully completely dead cow in the middle of the north bound lane.

After muttering "oh shit" a few times I put on my hazard lights pulled safely to the shoulder and went to talk to the people standing on the side of the highway in the pitch black, and no kidding they were French tourists standing there with their cell phones taking pictures, and the killer thing, they didn't even know what of.

Soon finding out that they had not hit it I left them to Debbi and fast hauled my fat ass down to the car that had(I would rather face the unknown elk eliminator and possible damage than the tourists) and after all Debbi is much nicer than me!! Turned out he was okay and miraculously had clipped her with the drivers side and only had minor damage, and he had called D.P.S. already.

So back to the tourists, as they had not seen the hit or been involved we suggested that they continue on their way to see the Canyon and warned them that they should drive a little slower and also watch for more elk; after shooting looks of fear and confusion at us they thankfully left.

What to do, what to do, I had promised the poor guy that hit her that I would not leave until the cops got there, but I did have Debbi with me, four kids under 5, and 6 more at home waiting for us, so a few quick calls home sent those 6 to bed and Kallison and Caden worried in the back seat whispering little prayers.

I backed the fly boat farther down the embankment and turned my high beams on the body so that no other cars would hit her and sat, soon after that a really nice guy stopped to help and enquired why we did not move her to the shoulder, strangely I had already thought of that and felt that we should not get out of the damned car so I told him that I really didn't think we should, and so strangely enough he agreed with me and drove a little way down the road did a quick u-turn and put his high beams on her also.

Now the really weird or the really spiritual part you pick. No sooner had he put his lights on her than a royal a!@ came speeding down the highway and hit the dead elk with both drivers side tires and went angled airborne just like in the movies. And never stopped or even hit his breaks. The body of the poor elk was flipped into the air and now was in the south bound lane, and Debbi and I both in the car screaming Holy Sh#t at the top of our lungs.

Finally Officer Friendly showed, got the now messy elk out of the way thanked us and sent us home, probably wondering why we had not moved the elk out of the road ourselves, well this morning I discovered why, in the dark both Debbi and I thought we were closer to the shell station(the only lights out in our neck of the woods) and assumed we were on open flat ground
but in all actuality we were on the inside curve and up hill and would never have been seen by the before mentioned royal a!@ before he hit us and the other good Samaritan! So I have spent the rest of the morning in wonder over the message that we should not get out of the damn car and have decided that the Holy Ghost talks just like me how interesting.

So what do you all do after Enrichment?

Monday, November 17, 2008

What a life

Wow I haven't posted for over a week.

But what a week,
Carsten is on cast number four in just four weeks(that sounds so much better than 3 casts in two weeks) he has gone through 2 shades of blue, a lime green and now a black one, 1 was waterproof, 1 a quick fix, the last a traditional "please keep this dry" and now finally a new fangled waterproof one.
The medical assistant kindly refrained from laughing until we had walked away this morning, but did snort a little bit when she called out "see you in two weeks."
Our insurance company so hates us.

It's cold, it's warm, it's cold, it's warm, it snows, it's muddy, it snows, it's muddy.
Alright already its November let it SNOW.
Its 65 degrees here.

Debbi and I went to town(Flagstaff) last Monday, I bought a Turkey,
I hate turkey.
We also saw a mans weenie mobile(Oscar Mayers), he gave us little weenie whistles, on the way home we saw a guy peeing on a fence post,
two weenies in one day and only one whistle.

Mike has been gone, and then home, and then gone and then home, right now he is gone,
Thank Heavens I get my own bed for a whole week.
I love that man.

I just left Safeway and spent two hundred dollars there and I am still out of Tide and sour cream.
I just need a dollop of Daisy.

Mike cut all of Dawson's sweet baby curls off Saturday and I did not cry,
well not very much.

Ardynn and her friend Shaylee spent Saturday playing on the swing set,
Shaylee will now be having surgery on her left elbow, broke that little knobby thing clean off.

I have ran out of storage space for all of our food storage, I am thinking up ways to incorporate it into furniture, any ideas?
After all I do need a new kitchen table.

I learned that Coke has nutmeg in it, therefore as it contains a healthy herb it must be good for you.

And if one more person says "we would like to buy your house, can you carry the loan" I will hurt them.
I guess I could break their arms.

So other than that, not much is going on, how was your week?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Today in History

Does anyone know what today is?

Friday November 7, 2008.

Yup that means that sixty seven, yes I said 67 years ago My Grandparents tied the knot.

See they met in California, at the start of World War II, apparently dear old grandma was quite the flirt dating and having lots of fun with lots of friends, when she met the handsome Dan and fell hard(had nothing to do with the convertible).

Well they were engaged in the spring of 1942 and married November 7, and the 9, of 1942, hmm... someone forgot to pick up the marriage license before the wedding so they had a two day affair!!!!

And now one World War, several business ventures, 4 kids, 20 grandchildren, and 39 great grand children(sorry if I missed any). I would call 67 great years a stunning success.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations, Evo Morales. oops I mean President Obama

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Spooooooky Oooookies

Sorry we are a little late with the boo pictures but we had the whole week off from school and work. Boy did they have fun. As you can see Dawson went as the "Cowboy that wouldn't"
Kallison was my gorgeous "Pink-o-lisious" Flower Fairy

Ardynn was very pretty in purple flower power

Carsten is my favorite as he chose to be a tree again this year, of course it was with a broken limb.(three casts in two weeks).

My number one Army medic complete with his Thompson that his Daddy made. So as you can see Halloween was a complete success.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Boo baby blow out bash

For two pregnancies I begged the Dr. not to let me have a "boo baby", so what did Brooke go and do? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER!! Or should I say Happy Birthday Storm Trooper.
No that's not Barry B. Benson its cooper.
The Birthday was super fun we played games, ate mummy dogs, and wrapped our own "mummies". Thanks Brooke for the great time and super hot trick or treating weather.