Saturday, October 18, 2008

Alas' poor Duckie, I knew him well

So sad, the truth has finally been reveled our poor little curious kitty Duckie met with a fowl end. He met up with the neighbors two pit bulls(I say neighbors but that's two blocks down), early last winter and it has been kept from us all this time.

I don't know if I should be upset that they lied to me when I asked them about him or relieved that I don't have to tell the kids that Duckie is dead yet again, cause you see Duckie definitely used his "9" lives.

It all started in May of 2006 we were being overran with kittens. It seemed that every stray that wandered in was with kitten, and Mike was HOT, so after letting everyone here in ranching country know that due to budget and land size we were going into cat farming all extra cats and kittens quickly found new homes. Well all except Duckie, you see Kallison and I had fallen in love with that little "short bus" kitty, not that Duckie was stupid or anything he would come when called but he never could figure out who called him.

Oh, our little furry friend was great he played in the pool with the kids, burped when hugged just a little to tight and head bumped with reckless abandon, he also never met an open door he didn't like(sorry schwan's man, and ups dude, and poor neighbor Debbi who woke up with him on more than one occasion). Every family should have a cat like him.

Well come June of 07' I feared that Duckie was dead he hadn't come in one morning and no amount of "kitty, kitty, kitty" could cokes him home, and tragically on my way to the gas station I spied a furry, really furry black and white body on the side if the highway, after stopping I really felt that it was Duckie and called Mike crying that our Duckie was dead. I am sure that Mike never once did that excited Toyota jump upon learning that his enemy, err cute little kitty was road smear, and promised to bury him after work.

I composed myself and went into tell our poor heart broken children that Duckie was dead. I over estimate the sorrow "can we see him?, is his head smashed?, so when is he coming home? what!!!!

Oh S@&T, Braxton had baseball practice, how do I hide that sad furry body from them on the way into town and back, "Hey kids look at that cow, tree, illegal alien, fish, whatever" "Mom where is Duckie?" "GET OVER IT, there is no way in hell I am going to let you gawk at our poor dead cat".

As I pulled into the driveway my cell phone rang, and as luck would have it just as Mike was letting me know in no uncertain terms that there was NO WAY IN H@LL THAT THIS DEAD SMELLY CAT IS YOUR DARLING PAIN IN THE $SS DUCKIE, Duckie came over crying to me that he had in fact been locked in the neighbors house all day.

So while the rest of us morn just a little for a cat that we had convinced ourselves had found a new home Mike is rejoicing.


Mag Family said...

I am sorry to hear of "Duckies" demise. But I will have to side with Mike on this one. I have three I would like to get rid of. I hate cats.

brinkworth bunch said...

Don't worry we still have 4 more and maybe another one one monday.