If you have ever been to the Grand Canyon, once you get off of I-40 you take an extremely boring, long, two lane highway, known to the State of Arizona as highway 64, locally we call it the extremely long death trap,or just 64.

On either side of said highway are row upon row of mailboxes that all European tourists stop to take pictures of , and BUMPY dirt roads, proof that some people love privacy, I can walk out to the car naked, I mean if I wanted to, and have no care for their suspension(on there vehicles that is).
While having few neighbors is on the plus, along with abundant wildlife, fresh air, and for a few, the chance to hunt off your front porch(hi honey). The downsides include no high speed Internet, no plowed streets, being snowed in a lot of the winter, no, no wait that goes on the plus list, but mainly there is NO WATER, every drop of water that we use, must be trucked in.
So three to four times a week I load a couple of the kids and usually a dog and once in awhile a cat and we head to the water plant, for ten dollars I fill the tank with 425 gallons of water, drive it home and then with the help of gravity and six feet of three inch hose empty the water into a 1800 gallon cistern underground which is then pumped into the house. Yes we all bathe everyday(well most of us I mean really what do husbands have against showering on their days off?) do lots of laundry, and run the dishwasher everyday.
The only downside that I have found is during extremely cold weather everything freezes, from the tank lid to the valve on the tank, and then one must use some creativity, or a blow dryer.
So sweety does that answer your question?
and if you havn't seen the Grand Canyon come on down,
I can get a great deal on helicopter flights!
1 comment:
Oh how I miss the water hauling. Just joking that was also so much fun in the middle of the winter when the cement was a sheet of ice.
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