Where have we all gone to?
January and February have got to be the most boring months for us.
No Birthdays or parties, Christmas has come and gone, the newness worn off all the goodies and school and work is the same old same old.
Baseball and Soccer are still months away, the trampoline and swing set are buried under a foot of new snow this morning.
Unfortunately this time of year even my beads hold no interest and I just walk by and look at them and wonder if I will ever get back to them.
The teachers at school report the kids are all getting antsy and acting out(not mine as they are perfect) and teachers tempers are getting shorter.
Mike and the crew are spending most of their time fighting over who gets to drive the bobcat, and playing "Sniper Elite" on the x-box. And even the tourists move a little slower.
The wind though this morning has slowed and the snow let up so maybe just maybe we will venture out this afternoon to enjoy out fifth snow day this year.
Thank goodness the have invoked the "Act of God" clause and the kids will not have to attend school well into June.
So please excuse our absence or lack of excitement in our lives, but March will bring back the Birthday rush, spring break, free range with cute baby calves, and maybe just maybe some happier baby news too.
p.s. this Saturday Braxton will be competing in the Coconino County Spelling Bee and is getting a little nervous so please keep him in your thoughts.
What the h is the Act of God clause. What kind of system are they running down there?
Good Luck Braxton - just remember "i before e, except after c!"
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