Friday, August 29, 2008

So Mikes a cradle robber or (Happy Birthday to the Crazy Lady with ALL the kids and cats)

Well Mike has informed me that all is fair in love and war, what ever that means but I guess fair is fair. So here are 34, yes, only 34 things about me. I had to do the math 2008-1974=34; I know crazy but for some reason birthdays do not really bother me, after all I have earned every one of them.

1; I love winter and look forward to snow all year.

2;I know I need to loose 20 or so pounds but just don't really care(after all the rest of me now matches my boobs).

3;Hi my name is Dusty and I am an Ebay addict.(do they have a 12 step for that?)

4;I self medicate with chocolate and beads.

5;I cannot read just one book at a time, I must have at least 3 around the house open to different spots.(I also read the last chapter first).

6;I AM SCARED, of what I really don't know but some times there is just this bit of fear.

7;I love, adore, worship, my five kids and would have a least one more, but must wait until we get a bigger house and much bigger pay check.

8;I hate to clean my house, I love the feel of a clean house, but absolutely hate cleaning it.

9;I refuse to eat: eggs, fish, most dairy products, pancakes, raw broccoli, most pork products, tomatoes, Jello, and Thanksgiving turkey!

10;I am neurotic about food storage, and LOVE my wheat grinder( don't worry Grandpa I promise to never make green pea biscuits).

11;I NEVER dated my husband we just sort of got married.

12;I HATE the town of Williams, I have never met such a group of people that were so bitter and distrustful of each other.

13;I really don't like other peoples kids(family not included).

14;I open all my Christmas presents early and re wrap them just so I have no surprises.

15;When I get nervous or scared I start spelling random words in my head, and I am an awful speller.

16;I have always felt like the "Ugly Duckling".

17;I have always wanted to rebel but just don't quit know what to do.

18;I hate and I mean absolutely hate odd numbers(see #7).

19;I still feel guilty about keeping the 20 dollars I found in the parking lot of Target 2 years ago.

20;Yes my skirt really did fall off in Sacrament meeting(I was on my way up to say the closing prayer), the good news they have never asked me to say another prayer.

21;While we are on embarrassing moments, I have also super glued my mouth shut.

22;I am deathly afraid of snakes, spiders not so much.

23;I am actually considering applying to the police academy when Dawson gets older.

24;While shooting a stray cat that had caused a lot of problems I also "killed" the trampoline.

25;I am a sucker for anything small and furry, I just fought one of our cats for a baby jack rabbit.
(no we did not keep it, Brinkworth rule#3 No pets that other pets consider food.)

26;I do not have church calling right now, how lucky can a girl get.

27;Discovered that while juicing your own fruit and veggies is good, watermelon juice sucks.

28;I have let my wonderful kids eat ice cream for breakfast on several occasions, it is a dairy group after all.

29;I wish the goldfish would Die!

30;One of my great fears is that the "phone will ring" or pilots on my front porch with that look on their faces.

31;The above line regarding my children.

32;I am scared that our house will not sell and I cannot see us being happy here much longer.

33;I know that I have a wonderful husband, but sometimes I still treat him like crap.

34;I do not answer to the name "Betty".(see previous post).

Okay I know that I am posting this a couple of days early, but I am off to party, not really Mike is coming home today after being gone for 2 weeks so we are just going to have some family time without the computer. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ME.


gramaval said...

Hey Happy Birthday to you two ol farts! Your blog pages are really cute. It's nice to hear from you and your cute cute kids are getting so grwon up. Hope you get that place sold soon, but then where are you off too? Take care of yourself and everyone else! Love you all-Aunt Val

Natilie said...

1. Happy Birthday in 2 days!!!!
2. You really need to start explaining things better, ie: never dating your husband, skirt falling off in church, and I thought you liked where you lived, but then we haven't talked in a while either.
3. P.S. Happy Birthday again!!!

Natilie said...

P.P.S. I never thought of you as the Ugly Duckling, I always thought you were brilliant!

Christina Brinkworth said...

Hey just wanted to say Happy Birthday and that I think you so a great job writing your blogs. You have a talent for writing. I have many talents and writing isn't one of them:) Anyway Happy Birthday to you both! Take care

The Fannen's said...

Happy Birthday Dusty!! Dito on Nat's comment. You crack me up. And I have to say, we have a lot in common! Hope you had a good one!!

Mag Family said...

Happy Birthday Dust. I have always liked you and I don't think you are the ugly duckling. Chet is much uglier. JK. And I must agree with Nat also, about the dating, church. Maybe, a blog expaining all of this.

The Brooks Family said...

Happy Belated Dusty! I loved reading the 34 things about you! Some I knew, some I didnt! I too would like to hear how you and Mike got together, and the skirt story is a must! Good luck with the house!!