Today Mike is 40!!!!! So Happy Birthday Harold!!
Can you believe that you are really this old, or are you surprised that you made it this far?
After all you have survived your mother dressing you up like a girl, being raised with 5 brothers, a couple of "Hard" helicopter landings, a car crash, raising 5 wonderful kids, and being married to ME!!!
Really Mike is a great guy, so to follow every ones example here are 40, yes count them 40 things you may or may not know about Mike.
1: He was supposed to be named John, thankfully that didn't happen he is Michael John Brinkworth(his younger brother is John).
2: He fell in love with flying at the age of 3.
3: Mike is great at all he tries(it really pisses me off and I have actually looked for things that may kick his a**)
4: He is a wonderful father; he has taken our children turkey hunting so I could go to enrichment, and taken the older 4 trick or treating by himself so that I could rest(yes I was preggers).
5:Mike earned his Eagle Scout award at the age of 13.
6:He claims that he was never going to marry or have children(good luck on that).
7:He got his pilots license at the age of 17.
8:He has worked(flown helicopters) in 12 states and 2 countries(China this fall).
9:Mike finished helicopter school in only 2 1/2 months instead of 6.(see #3).
10:For some weird reason Mike claims that while Coke is "bad" for you Mt. Dew is okay?
11:Yes it is true we never dated(arranged marriage).
12:Mike loves to hunt but really hates fishing but will go with me and the kids because I don't like to touch or clean the fishies.
13:Mike served his mission in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He went 6 months late due to a dirt bike accident.
14:Mike is current to fly anything that flies except a float plane and he really wants to do this.
15:Mike is afraid of nothing except debt.(that we still have a house payment chaps his payed for hide).
16:He claims to be allergic to cats(we have four and one is asleep on/in our bed right now).
17:He did not get to "name" any of our children.
18:while he is very quiet, he is the first one his brothers call for help.
19:He has a very very strong testimony of the church, and a great respect for his priesthood.
20:On that note it takes him longer to get ready for church than me and five kids.
21:He has a very strong pain threshold that came in very handy last year.
22:He let me hold Dawson first, and I will never forget that, Thanks Harold.
23:He claims to love me.
24:Mike loves to play the piano and is quite good.
25:He likes to listen to Air Supply, Journey, and John Denver(man you are really old). *Brooke told me not to forget to mention C.W. McCall, you know "Convoy".
26:We call him "Safety Sam" but he is the only one to have been seriously injured.
27:Mike actually owns more shoes, pants, shirts etc. than me but claims I never stop shopping.
28:While I was in the hospital, Mike got 3 kids ready for school(hair combed even), Kallison to the sitter and then went to physical therapy and only then realized he had forgotten his own shirt.(again a super dad) Can you say thank goodness for cotton garment tops?
29:Mike is a GREAT pilot and has a loyal following that will only fly with him(sorry AZGF we really do want to move).
30:Growing up a favorite game to play was bottle rocket tag(but they wore helmets). preferably in the dark while it was raining.
31:Mike had an imaginary friend named Jimmy Figment(he didn't catch on to the last name for years).
32:He had never eaten a B.L.T. until we married, nor had he B.B.Q.d
33:He loves to ride his dirt bike and go 4 wheel driving, I think it is boring so he often goes alone, ditto on looking for animals, and just going for a ride(no ice cream no drive).
34:He is great at putting up with me and all of our strays(I promise I did not know that cat was pregnant).
35:He has mopped the floors though all of my five pregnancies and will still do it now for a *reward*(explains four of five pregnancies).
36:willingly takes me, all the kids, the dog, and Brooke and Brads family camping every year. Sets us up and cleans us up and still says its fun. Usually in the rain.
37:Enjoys going(flying) on the road but likes coming home better.
38:Has my respect and love.
39:Mike is a very patient father and his children adore him.(they all have done the daddy dance at one time or another)
40:Actually answers to Harold and Binky.
Wow I actually came up with 40, and can't wait to come up with 40 more. So Happy Birthday Mike(Harold) we look forward to you coming home Saturday. And yes Dear I realize that my Birthday is Monday so what are you going to do about it, you will always be older than me.
Much Love Betty.(his wife, mother to his children, pain in his ass, love of his life cause after all I love you so much; but just so much).
Wow! 40. Happy Birthday Mike. I am impressed you came up with forty things. I guess I should start doing this with Jeff.
I loved it. It was so cute. Some of those reminded me of someone I am married to. Must be a man thing.
Happy Birthday Mike!
Happy Birthday Mike. Great Tribute Dusty!
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