Monday, May 26, 2008

Oh how the mighty have fallen

Just for the record I am a very smug person, I always inwardly smile when ever some incapable person says "wow you have five kids, how do you do it?" So it is with great humility that I tell this horrible tale. Our weather has been awful: cold, wet, windy, even snowy so super mom that I am let my little darlings loose with all the extra birthday treats from the girls birthday parties.
We are talking bubbles, stickers, make-up even feather boas( the boys use these to tease the cats) and remember those fun little grow a sponges tons of those. I was thinking wow everyone played so cute, and the boys helped the girls hatch their fun little sponges, maybe we should do this more often, so pat pat on the back until alas two days later when I changed the babies bottom it was the worst dirty diaper ever my darling one year old the apple of my eye had s#*&
out a 747 bright yellow jumbo jet , apparently he had swallowed a small harmless sponge capsule, that had traveled through his little digestive tract that had dissolved leaving only a jumbo jet and a very clean one year old.


Natilie said...

That is priceless. I want to know if you kept it to show him later. ha, ha

Amy B. said...

Oh gross!! Could that have been dangerous? What a kid! Love Amy

The Brooks Family said...

Hey, Not every kid can sh#$ a Jumbo Jet! You've still got that!