Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The "Olden Days"

Remember sitting on your grandparents couch and watching the old shows with them?

You remember Lawrence Welk and how he would introduce some ancient Big Band and your grandparents would get that look on their faces and their eyes would mist over, and you would roll your eyes.

And after the infomercial was developed they would sit and watch the Time Life music sales and you would laugh because it reminded you that they were so stinking old and that you would never sit on the couch and sway along to the music and think about the good old days.


Well we all get old, and all our memories get better.
Just like a fine wine,
or the picture on your drivers license.

And the music we would not have been caught dead listening to, say twenty years ago because you would never have been caught listening to stoner music because you can't be a stoner and wear long sleeved buttoned-up clear to your throat shirts with dry clean only pants and like those heavy metal bands. Right.

Remember that?

Well last night after watching the Antiques Roadshow, Mike pried the remote out of my hands and started channel surfing. He landed somewhere up in the boring cable channels, they were playing an old old 80's rock song.

We froze, we got "that look" on or faces, our eyes glazed over, and we both started swaying and singing along.

Yup it was a Time Life infomercial.

Our children were on their best behavior and they just sat there with "that look" on their faces, and carefully whispered between themselves.
And gave us the look.
Then they started singing along.
Turns out we had given birth to closet stoners.

We watched the whole infomercial, sang, laughed, and "Oh My Goshed" for the entire half hour.

And then beat it over to the computer and looked up the Time Life website. Just to look you know, we would never buy something like that.
Wow, five easy payment of 29.99. OMG my wistful memories are not that priceless(or maybe I am not that old after all).

I Ordered it off Ebay instead.
Got the entire boxed set for 50.00.
Plus 3.00 shipping and handling, of course,
because I am "hip and trendy" defiantly not an "old rocker".

So let me know if you would like me to burn you a copy.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saige and Nate are getting a baby, unless we steal him!

Most all of you know that Saige and Nate(my little sister and great bro. in law) have now been happily married for several years and have been patiently waiting for the phone to ring.......

Well come August a precious baby boy will born to them.
I will let them announce his name and all the other great details upon his delivery, but they have graciously agreed to let me announce his pending delivery and wondrous adoption.

Saige and Nate are very excited and a bit apprehensive.
When you carry a child you worry until birth about their health, size and who they will look like.
When you adopt you also add the worry that the birth parent(s) will change their minds.

When you give birth to a child you are required to provide a car seat for the drive home.
When you adopt, you are finger printed, your background is searched, your house and bank account is scrutinized, and every detail of you life is on display for not only the birth parent(s) but their lawyer, your lawyer, the social workers, and the court who ultimately makes the decision if you truly get to keep this child that you have fallen hopelessly in love with.

Getting pregnant and giving birth is relatively easy.
Adopting can take years of struggle and heartbreak.

This little boy is so loved and wanted.

So, since most of us have never gone through this process I thought I would help out by answering a few questions for you. Because as my friends and family I would really hate for you to look stupid.

1, So how much does it cost?
a lot, so unless you want to donate, just remember that all babies are priceless.

2, How can you love a child that you did not give birth to?
Never question God, also I did not give birth to your children but I would still step out in front of a moving bus to save them, love knows no boundaries.

3, How will you discuss adoption with your child?
That is up to the family, but yes this precious child will be of mixed decent so he will always know that he was loved by so many that wanted the best for him.

4, Is this baby off the black market?(really a question that was asked)
No it is all legal. But if you have info on black market adoption please alert the proper authorities.

5, Are you willing to adopt more?
Yes we, okay they really want more.

6, Can we give a baby shower?
Hell yes, do you know how much this is costing, they are also not afraid of hand-me-downs.

7, Can we come and love on this baby when you get him home?
Again hell yes, but remember kiss the toes not the nose.

Saige and Nate know what they are doing and we are all in love with this little miracle, we as a family are humbled by both their dedication to have an eternal family, and the amazing love shown by a wonderful birth mother willing to give the most precious gift a family can receive.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The dog days of summer

Sorry for no new posts,

this about sums it up!

p.s. this is Delaynie our 130 pound lap dog
and today is her seventh birthday. She is usually
much furrier, but now that she is getting older I
had her shaved for the summer, so she could
spend time in the house out of the summer heat.