Friday, August 31, 2007

my first day

My first day blogging I was so excited, my day started out great I got the oldest three off to school, the dishes done, and the baby down for a nap(we haven't seen Kalli since she discovered Aristocats) so I celebrated by taking a shower all by myself! Man what a day I had Dots only urped on me a few times, no new cats showed up(apparently we are now cat ranchers), we got a great rain storm, and all three of the older kids came home in a good mood. Well stupid me, Kallison finally surfaced, and slept with me(thank goodness Mike is still out fighting fire), so of course she wet the bed, then Ardynn got cold so she headed down to snuggle in a bed with no sheets, so of course we woke Greenbean(Braxtons cat) up so he came to bed and proceeded to play catch the toes so at four this morning he got dumped out the front door. Now its nighty nite time again and I promise in the morning I will let everyone know when I get in the shower.


Amy B. said...

cute, cute! I love your story of your day. I need to figue out how to put in my profile and about me stuff. I am so excited. We are Bloggers!!

tanya.... said...

Good Job to you all! I am so excited about you all getting the hang of these things! PICTURES though dusty I want to see the kids!!

gramaval said...

Hey Dusty-it is fun to see all the kids-so when do I get to see yours? They sound like they keep you pretty busy. You should maybe open a petting zoo (for the pets-not the kids). Your kids are so cute-did they have fun camping?