Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Harold

Happy Birthday Mike,

Last year I had to come up with 40 facts about you,

This year just a thank you.

Happy Birthday and thanks for loving this crazy chicken farmer with all those kids and pets.

I love you.

Love Betty.

Friday, August 21, 2009

What came first

The chicken,
it took 19 weeks and two days for the egg.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good Bye Summer, Good Bye

Schools back in session here in the hundred acre woods.
and while we must now get to bed early and wake even earlier,
we are still having fun.
Summer recap,
Popsicles= approximately 20 boxes, and four bags.
pop corn= 14 bowls,
ice cream= about 8 gallons(we are Simper descendants after all)
sunburns=10 at least
baseball games= 14
games won= 12
nights spent in our own beds= 1
nights spent on the trampoline=10
night we never went to sleep=2(mom says it feels like more)
movies watched at the theater= 2
classic movies rediscovered= way to many to count,
tubs of "fart noise"=5
giggles from "farts"= lets not go there,
trips for ice cream cones= 8
drives to see the wildlife=5
times we saw wildlife=1,
what we saw when we got home= elk, deer.
baths and showers missed= way to many
mornings we slept in= none, mom says it is impossible for us to sleep pass 6:30
school shopping trips= 4
pairs of flip-flops the freezer "ate"=3,
pairs of school shoes bought= 6
kids attending school= 4
lunches packed= 5.
days our dad has been gone= 6
nights the cats have slept in the house= 6(do you see a pattern?)
number of eggs gathered= 0
school days left before summer break=179
memories= countless.